So I regularly trawl ebay in the hope of finding odd bits here and there. And recently, I spotted some Cougar Exosuits. A box set of four, plus an officer.
Now usually these rare figures fetch silly prices. And I mean silly. The last box set I spotted, made nearly £100. Yes, £25per figure.
Well I took a punt and put a modest bid on, and by some miracle I won them.
Here they are!
Mongoose Starship Troopers Cougar Exo-suits box set |
SST Cougar Exo-suit box set contents |
SST Cougar Exo-suit Officer |
These should now mean I have a fair chance of being able to complete my intended goal of having an entire exo-suit, cougar and grizzly platoon.
I am planning on magnetising all of the exo-suit weapons, and hard points, so I may swap the weapon variants, as they are so hard to get hold of these days and so costly, the chances of me having "spares" to setup as variants are slim to zero.
However if anyone happens to have some exo-suits going unused in their lead mountains, please get in touch. :)
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