Sunday 27 November 2011

Warboot 6 - Emlyn Hall Manchester

Today a few of us ventured over to Warboot 6 at the Manchester Area Wargames Society, Emlyn Hall in Walkden, Manchester.

The "warboot" series of shows were started a few years ago and take the format of a one day (12pm till 3pm in this case), wargames sales fair, where sellers can book a table for a small fee and sell their wares.

MAWS (Manchester Area Wargames Society) have run these generally at their regular gaming site at the Emlyn Hall. Though some have been run elsewhere, such as the gaming centre in stockport.

Each time I have been to one, I have managed to find some bargains. And it always surprises me, that more people don't drop by to have a look.

Here are some photos;

Warboot 6 - The 40K seemed popular, as these punters proved.

Warboot 6 - A number of second hand games, such as GW Judge Dredd were on offer.

Warboot 6 - This seller had lots and lots of Warhammer Fantasy, sold in singles or units and was happy to do deals.

Warboot 6 - A local shop trader, with range of new bits and pieces. (Sorry forgotten the shop details).

Warboot 6 - There was a mix of historical stuff scattered here and there. One set of 28mm British Boer War figures interested me, but were just out of my funds sadly.

Warboot 6 - One thing I have noted is the increase in sellers selling GW sprues as single pieces. Handy if you wish to do conversions or have managed to miss a part or two.

My total haul for the day was;
Five Artisan WW2 28mm LRDG Figures for £3
A mint copy of Warhammer Fantasy First Ed for £5
Two Foundary Resin Medieval/half timber 28mm Buildings for £2 - Yes that is £2..
And a Front Rank Indian Wars 28mm Wolfes Army Box Set for £30.

The Army box set, has a few missing figures, but appears to have a few extras and totals over 60 miniatures. Not that I promised not to buy another period this year.. dough! And I have to profess to not know if they are all british, or if some french have gotten mixed into them. There are a handful of Indians too. Certainly enough british including Rogers Rangers, to for some skirmish games. Just need to get a few more indians.

So, next time I might have to take a few bits to sell. There was a mix of stuff, but the usual predominance of GW, 40k or Fantasy Battle stuff. And though a couple of sellers did not turn up, there did appear to be a reasonable amount of buying and selling going on. So looking forward to the next one.

In previous years there had been a fair few sellers, selling the AD&D and Horrorclix type plastic prepainted figures, but these sadly were missing. As I was hoping to grab a few bigger bits for some exotic zombies. May be next time.

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