Saturday 19 September 2020

Skirmish on Rynn's World - Battle for Jadeberry Hill - Oldie but a goodie

 And so a few weeks have passed and I am still looking into running a campaign. 
Briefly it looked like we might be returning to some semi-normal during the Covid 19 pandemic, but the UK is about to head back into a lock down. 

So it looks like I might be playing this scenario with a friend at home in the future.. 

This was first published scenario for Rogue Trader. Published in White Dward Issue 94 1987. 

This was in the days when you ideally needed a GM and two opposing players for games. When Rogue trader 40K was designed to be played in a narrative style with the story being key and gaming freedom. 
Yes the intro blurb speaks of using proxies.. can you imaging GW saying that in this day of utter corporate control!

Something tells me this was one of a number of scenario's that were planned and never really got published. Probably due to a host of reasons. 
If you want a full look at the campaign you and find it here: 

I will do a write up of the scenario shortly and will go over the elements and why it is till a great scenario and fun to play. 

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